Life Beyond Earth
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and European Space Agency
“What will it take to truly thrive in space? How can we make the Moon feel like home?” Life Beyond Earth is an immersive film created in collaboration with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), and the European Space Agency (ESA) for their powerful installation at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.

Aiming For the Stars
The Moon Village project itself is the result of a multidisciplinary initiative launched by ESA and was developed in collaboration with MIT AeroAstro Professor and former NASA astronaut Jeffrey A. Hoffman, who narrates the film. Revenant were able to work closely with the SOM team, ESA and Jeffrey A. Hoffman to elevate the film to not only be an engaging visual spectacle but to something that could sit at the heart of the installation as a true glimpse into the future, taking that next step from concept to reality. The film, built in its entirety in CG, utilizes hyper realistic 3D environments; sophisticated design, modeling and animation of everything from space suits to Moon rovers; integrated motion capture and bespoke UI design.

The Sound of Life Beyond Earth
"BXFTYS stunning music and sound design, add atmosphere and emotion, with Jeffrey A. Hoffman's voice over. We were truly honoured with this collaboration."
Daniel Inocente,
Senior Project Producer (SOM)

FUI Design
From the very start, we knew that FUI would be an important part in the texture of this animation. The aim was to try and visualize the intricacy that comes with missions to the Moon. From landing on the surface, to conducting experiments and daily life. The design was heavily influenced by real mission data and reimagined in a clean, modern UI. Everything is considered, down to the terminologies. Each screen was created in a way that looked functional. This was important for upholding the realism and acting as a proof of concept.

Adapting to a new way of working
During the production, we were in the middle of the pandemic and forced to work entirely remotely. It was a new way for us to work and because of this, we built ourselves a vigorous workflow, had daily meetings and made sure we were in constant communication with the team and the client. The level of detail required for the film, was a challenge that we had to keep in mind, while we isolated ourselves and got used to a new way of working.

La Biennale di Venezia
Images from the La Biennale di Venezia by Laurian Ghinitoiu
